Amla Amrit (with Sweetner) Juice:
Key ingredients:
- Amla Swaras (Phyllanthus emblica)
- Sodium Benzoate
- Immunodeficiency
- Eye disorders
- Skin disorders
- Constipation
- Obesity
- Loosing weight
Suggested Use:
With equal quantity of water or as directed by physician.
Available in:
65 ml
Amla swaras (Phyllanthus emblica) – Amla is specific to pitta due to its astringent sour taste and cooling property . However, amla is thought to balance vata by virtue of its sour taste, and kapha due to its astringent taste and drying action. It may be used as a rasayana (rejuvenative) to promote longevity, and traditionally to enhance digestion (dipanapachana), treat constipation (anuloma), reduce fever (jvaraghna), purify the blood (raktaprasadana), reduce cough (kasahara), alleviate asthma (svasahara), strengthen the heart (hrdaya), benefit the eyes (chakshushya), stimulate hair growth (romasanjana), enliven the body (jivaniya), and enhance intellect (medhya).
Amla benefits
Constipation and weight loss
Take Amla juice daily in the morning empty stomach, and you will be relieved from your life long constipation. It has laxative effect on your intestines and clears the colon. You will feel very light weight after having Amla juice, It also helps in controlling obesity as it is very good fat burner so helpful in loosing weight.
Eye disorders
Amla juice is also said to be very beneficial in various eye diseases and in a combination with other two fruits making triphala it is one of the best eye rejuvenator.
Amla juice contains a lot of vitamin –ascorbic acid that possesses excellent antioxidant properties. Regular intake of amla juice or amalaki churna helps in fighting the free radicals those are very much responsible for developing different health ailments. The free radicals are unstable ions that roam in the bloodstream and are responsible for degenerating body tissues and promoting the age. Amla, being detoxifying agent, stabilizes free radicals and hence is considered to be the powerful antioxidant herbal fruit supplement.
Amla for Hairs
Amla oil if used in massaging hairs can produced excellent results in baldness, hair growth and hair strengthening. Amla Hair Oil is a excellent massage oil for hairs. Amla is very good for hair and hence used in premature graying of hair, hair fall and split ends.
Amla Juice Indications
The fruit of amalaki, Indian gooseberry, has soothing effects on various vital organs of the body such as kidney, heart, liver, lungs and stomach. It helps in restoring the gut movements and hence can be taken in indigestion etc.
Few of the important indications for taking amla or amalaki are as below:-
- Amla builds immune power, helpful in tackling day-to-day infections and seasonal attacks
- Indian gooseberry helps in overcoming hyperacidity and dyspepsia
- Amla churna benefits in healing skin ailments
- Amla, up to certain extent, regulates the bowel movements so useful in constipation.
- It reduces the bad effects of the increasing age and is useful as an anti aging formula.
- A best nectar for Diabetes patients.
- Increases concentration.
- It stops falling, whitening and greying of hairs.
- Helps in controlling High Blood Pressure as it calms your body and mind.
- Good tonic for eyes.
- It makes a overweight person slim and smart.
- Increases Haemoglobin.
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